뉴욕세광교회 사경회
바른 삶: 하나님의 말씀, 그의 세상, 그의 교회
Mishpat: God, his word, his world, his people
너는 마땅히 공의만을 따르라 그리하면 네가 살겠고 네 하나님 여호와께서 네게 주시는 땅을 차지하리라
(신명기 16:20)
Do mishpat. And only mishpat! That you might live and inherit the land the Lord your God is about to give you.
(Deuteronomy 16:20)
(신명기 16:20)
Do mishpat. And only mishpat! That you might live and inherit the land the Lord your God is about to give you.
(Deuteronomy 16:20)
Dr. Bryan Widbin (Alliance Theological Seminary)
Ph.D., M.A. Brandeis University;
Th.M., M.Div. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; B.A. John Brown University Dr. Bryan Widbin, an ordained Christian minister and former resident of Israel, is Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages. Fluent in the languages and cultures of the Middle East, Dr. Widbin is a prolific presenter of topics on the world and cultures of the biblical peoples which comes with passion and heart. His breadth of experience allows his teaching to capture the mind, grab the heart, and stir the spirit. His goal is to equip the leaders and the laity of the church with essential theological tools through teaching, writing, preaching, and mentoring. |
6월 14일(금) 저녁 7:30 “놓치지 말아야 할 성경의 핵심 단어 6개”
Friday, June 14th @ 7:30 pm: “Six Bible Words We Must Not Miss”
Friday, June 14th @ 7:30 pm: “Six Bible Words We Must Not Miss”
6월 15일(토) 저녁 7:30 “현실 속의 바른 삶"
Saturday, June 15th @ 7:30 pm: “Mishpat in Action”
Saturday, June 15th @ 7:30 pm: “Mishpat in Action”
6월 16일(주) 오후 12:00 “바른 교회”
Sunday, June 16th @ 12:00 pm: “The Right Church”
Sunday, June 16th @ 12:00 pm: “The Right Church”
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